Sunday, February 3, 2008

Welcome to My Blog

Before I had my son, I was an avid runner. I loved to run and when I found out I was pregnant, I was in the process of training for a 1/2 marathon. Needless to say I had to stop my training for the 1/2 marathon and focus on my pregnancy. I tried to continue running while pregnant but after month 2 I was so sick and this made it impossible to continue.

My son was born in the fall and so by the time I had the green light to go ahead and run, the winter was upon us. I did go out and run a few times but I was not able to take the baby so finding time was difficult. It was at this time that I found the Turbo Jam Workout system. I really enjoyed this system and it was enough to get a few more baby pounds off that winter.

I was so excited when spring came around and my son was old enough for the BOB Iron Man Jogging stroller that I had been given. We went out for our first run and he really liked being in the stroller. However, I was so tired from not sleeping that running soon became the last thing I wanted to do!

After a long summer of not sleeping and only running every once and a while...I started to really get down on myself. I ran in a race or two but my speed had slowed down considerably and as the fall approached the weather was becoming too cold to run with the baby. I needed to find something for me to do in the cold fall and winter to get in shape and lose the rest of the baby weight. My son was finally sleeping through the night (after a long year of not doing so) and I was finally starting to feel human again!!!

Once my son switched to one nap a day, I had this new 2 hour break in the middle of the day. I decided it was now or never to get off the couch and lose the last 15 pounds of baby (and now holiday) weight! So I dusted off my 20+ Firm Workout DVDs, dumbbells and fanny lifters. I had used these to get in shape for my wedding and felt that they were the answer to the last of my baby weight.

So here I am, a month into my new routine and down 8 lbs!!!! I am starting to tone up, my clothes are starting to feel baggy and I have more energy to play with my son! I feel better than I have in a long time. Yes the laundry is piling up and the house is not as neat as it use to be but I am looking better and better everyday :)

So I have decided to keep this blog as a journal of my battle back to my pre-baby weight. I hope to inspire other SAHM's (and working moms) that we can find time for ourselves in our busy days. I continue to struggle with getting it all done but I know that getting in shape will help me to be a better wife and mother. I hope that I can figure out a way to raise my son, keep the house clean, cook, stay on our budget and still find time to work out. So please join me in figuring out which workout DVDs and exercise routines are the most effective for moms on the go :)

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