Being a SAHM is by far the best job I have ever had. I definitely want to tear my hair out some days but overall it is great! That being said, I often struggle with doing all that I want to do in a day. There is of course raising my son (playing with him, singing, dancing, art projects, playdates, classes, bathtime, mealtime etc.) all of the housework, the bills to pay, the meals to prepare, a husband to spend time with and if there is any time left...maybe a shower? So when I made the decision six weeks ago to put ME first for one hour a day and devote my son's naptime to working out....I had to make some other sacrifices.
So I sacrificed the house work.....yes I admit it.....the house isn't as clean as it could/should be! I am sorry, I don't know what else I could have given up...maybe blogging ;) We keep a neat downstairs (because you never know who is going to pop in) but the upstairs and laundry is out of control! I definitely need to work on this and get it under control soon. My poor husband is suffering the most (nothing clean to wear some days). That being said, I feel wonderful :) I am starting to get more toned up, have more energy, feel stronger and so healthy. So I have to say that I am very sorry that the laundry is a little piled up but I think I am worth it :)
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