Thursday, June 30, 2011

Day 60

I can not believe that it has been 60 days since the beginning of this journey.  It has been a bit of a roller coaster but I am so proud of the progress I have made and the person I have become in the last 2 months. In the last 60 days I have gained more confidence, have more energy,  I have more muscle tone, I am stronger, I have lost 8 lbs, I dropped a size and fit in my clothes better (many are too big) and I have created a much healthier lifestyle for myself.

The greatest accomplishment (one that I never set out to do) is that I have shown my son how important it is to eat healthy food and to exercise regularly.  He loves to "workout" and coach me, he is learning so much about food and we now have a special time to look forward to each day :) 

Exercise and eating healthy is now part of my everyday.  Yes I have bad days, bad weeks but when I say bad it is because I ate too much fruit, or cheated with an extra yogurt.  I have stopped baking (I have no will power), drink way less wine and try to only snack on fruits and vegetables.  I eat salad everyday, have limited my white flour and sugar and feel really, really GREAT!

I look forward to the next 30 days!  My goals are to try to get every workout in, increase my resistant bands to 30 lbs, add my weighted gloves to the cardio pieces and stick to my Weight Watchers plan.  I am not looking to be a super model by the end of this but I am hoping to continue to slim down and look great in my lands end tankini ;)

Monday, June 20, 2011

Goals are Ever Changing

When I started this journey over a month and a half ago, my coach Lauren asked me about my goals. Here is what I said:

What prompted you to decide to make a change?  I miss the good feeling you get when you are healthy and in shape.  I do eat well but need to work on getting more active.  Not only for myself but for my kids as well.  I love that confident feeling you get when you feel your best :)  Right now I am not feeling my best.

What are your goals?  To get back into a regular exercise routine, lose 5 lobs, gain lean muscle, strengthen my weak core, get some more energy and feel good about myself :)

I am so glad that she asked me to set goals and that I have them written down to reflect upon.  I am excited to say that I have accomplished all of them!!!  I now have that good feeling of being healthy and in shape, I am in a regular exercise routine, I have lost more than 5 lbs, I have gained some lean muscle, I have a stronger core, I have way more energy and I do feel good about myself!  This is all great stuff, so now what?  I still have over a month to go and so it is time for some new goals :) 

So here are the goals for the last leg of this 90 day journey:

1.  Try to get in all 6 workouts every week (but not beat myself up if life gets in the way!)
2.  Up my resistant band weight from 20 to 30 lbs
3.  gain more lean muscle mass and try to get rid of more of the back fat
4.  try to continue to build up my core and shrink my mommy belly
5.  keep to my healthy eating plan and lose another 3 lbs
6.  continue to feel good about myself :)

Thanks Lauren for inspiring me each and every day!!


Friday, June 17, 2011

Some Days are Still Tough

This has not been my best week ;(  It makes me sad because I had such an AWESOME week last week.  I have to weigh in at WW tomorrow and I am not thinking it is going to be good news.  We had a wedding over the weekend, a birthday party this week and I have been really hungry.  I have had very little alcohol and have been eating healthy stuff but I have just been eating too much of it. 

Workouts have also been tough this week.  I have managed to get in all my workouts so far but for whatever reason they are tough.  Perhaps it is because I have not been following my diet, maybe it is because I ran out of my iron supplements...who knows.  Whatever the reason, I have been trying to look past it and give it my all.  I am a week and a half away from day 60 and I hope that I can pump it up next week and go into the last month feeling lean and strong.....we shall see.

Monday, June 13, 2011


Things are going really well :)  I lost 7 lbs my first week on Weight Watchers. 7 lbs!!!! That is like Biggest Loser stuff :)  The lady behind the counter was shocked, it was fun.  I am not thinking I will have another week like that but my body is starting to slim down and take shape.  I am eating soooo healthy right now and was really proud of myself at the wedding I attended this past weekend.  I did drink but I didn't go overboard on the food and made really good choices. 

I still struggle with finding time to get all of the workouts in but I am at a stage in my life where my kids are really young and needy and my husband works ALL OF THE TIME :(  My workout time is MY time and unfortunately there is not always time for ME time.  I definitely get 5 out of 6 in each week but there are times when I just can't get that 6th one in.  I am pretty active running after the kids, mowing the lawn, doing yard work etc. but it still upsets me when I can't get my 6 workouts in.  Regardless, I am healthier, happier and in much better shape than I was 45 days ago.  I am so happy with my progress and proud of my journey so far :)

Monday, June 6, 2011

Updates and WW

Well last week was a big week for me.  I not only bumped up my Power 90 routine to 3/4 but I joined Weight Watchers (I am a former lifetime member) for a month.  Bumping up to 3/4 has been so much fun!  The videos are a bit longer, which is tough to squeeze in during nap, but they are just what I needed.  They are faster, more exercises and I am truly feeling challenged again.  I hope to order some new resistance bands to bump up that part of my workout and I am excited to be seeing results.  I actually went dress shopping the other day and I am now a solid 10 (was a 10/12) and even fit into a few 8's!!  Dress shopping is usually something I dread but I actually enjoyed it this time and love that my body is more curvy now :)

I decided to throw myself back on WW (despite my husband's not wanting me to) to kickstart my better eating.  I need to have someone hold me accountable and knowing that I will have to weigh in with a stranger each week is just what I need to make sure I eat well.  The new program is really great and fruit and most vegetables (including carrots!!!) are now 0 points!  This is perfect for those moments when  I need something to tide me over until my next scheduled meal or snack.  I plan to not use any of my activity points and use my extra weekly points for special occasions or booze on the weekends :)  I totally cheated on my initial weigh in (drank a liter of water, wore heavy shoes and my jacket), so I hope that I lose big this week.  I only have 8 lbs to lose, 6 before I don't have to pay anymore, so it will be tough but I am ready :)

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Oops...It's been a LONG TIME!

Hello all (I think I have 2 readers right now ;)).  I have been crazy busy but don't worry I have been working out :)  We had a busy and hectic 5 day weekend at the lake over Memorial Day weekend but I am proud to say that I was able to get my workouts in all but one day.  That day I was gardening and sweating up a storm though (as well as moving heavy boxes and running around getting 4 cottages ready for the rental season), so I know I got some good cardio in :) 

BTW....My son and Coach Z asked me the other day if Tony Horton (from Power 90) was around when the dinosaurs were.  He cracks me up!