Monday, June 6, 2011

Updates and WW

Well last week was a big week for me.  I not only bumped up my Power 90 routine to 3/4 but I joined Weight Watchers (I am a former lifetime member) for a month.  Bumping up to 3/4 has been so much fun!  The videos are a bit longer, which is tough to squeeze in during nap, but they are just what I needed.  They are faster, more exercises and I am truly feeling challenged again.  I hope to order some new resistance bands to bump up that part of my workout and I am excited to be seeing results.  I actually went dress shopping the other day and I am now a solid 10 (was a 10/12) and even fit into a few 8's!!  Dress shopping is usually something I dread but I actually enjoyed it this time and love that my body is more curvy now :)

I decided to throw myself back on WW (despite my husband's not wanting me to) to kickstart my better eating.  I need to have someone hold me accountable and knowing that I will have to weigh in with a stranger each week is just what I need to make sure I eat well.  The new program is really great and fruit and most vegetables (including carrots!!!) are now 0 points!  This is perfect for those moments when  I need something to tide me over until my next scheduled meal or snack.  I plan to not use any of my activity points and use my extra weekly points for special occasions or booze on the weekends :)  I totally cheated on my initial weigh in (drank a liter of water, wore heavy shoes and my jacket), so I hope that I lose big this week.  I only have 8 lbs to lose, 6 before I don't have to pay anymore, so it will be tough but I am ready :)


Connie said...

I have never had success with WW. But I have a friend that has lost 80 pounds with it.

I think I just eat/drink too much sugar. :(

Lauren said...

you rock! and are doing so awesome - you truly inspire me, it amazes me everyday all that you accomplish!