Thursday, July 7, 2011

Summer Fare

I LOVE Summer :)  If you ask me my favorite season, I will usually say Fall but Summer food is hard to beat.  The best part of summer food is that most of it will not attack your waistline :)  Yes there are cookouts, cocktails and ice cream but there are also a TON of fruits and veggies that are super delicious and I am psyched that they are "FREE" on Weight Watchers.

I love Watermelon, organic berries, swiss chard, eating salad every day, fennel.....the list goes on and on!!!  The other day I nearly fell over when my local health food store had organic cherries.  I was like a kid in a candy store, salivating over that very expensive box of cherries.  Z and I devoured them....YUM!   I plan to buy as much of this good stuff as I can and preserve it for the long winter.  I have some serious dehydrating, canning and freezing to do!  Wish me luck fitting that in to my schedule :)

1 comment:

Connie said...

I just made a Watermelon Gazpacho that you are going to LOVE!

I'll post the recipe on Rookie Foodie tomorrow. Are you following my food blog?