Monday, July 11, 2011

Day 60 Slump

Well I was all psyched to hit Day 60, made my goals and then 4th of July Weekend came and I found myself left in a huge slump.  I had little motivation, was feeling out of shape and needed a serious kick in the pants.  When I first started this journey, I told myself that if I hit my weight loss goals I could go and get some new workout gear.  I went out on Thursday (by myself) to TJ Maxx and was psyched to try on as many things as I could :)  I was super psyched to be a medium in most of the items I tried on (that is a huge accomplishment!!) and spent about $60 on two pairs of shorts, two tight t-shirts, a tight fitted workout top and a sports bra! 

This was the jump start I needed.   These clothes make me look thinner and I can actually see my muscles while working out as well as the fat I have left to burn.  Both of these are huge motivators to keep going.  I also took my 60 day pictures and was really excited about my progress.  I still have a LONG way to go but it is nice to see results.  I now hope I can up the diet the rest of the way!

I am working up the courage to put my before and 60 day pictures up but for now you get me in my new workout gear.   I think most of the weight that I lost was from my chest :(

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