Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Life Happens

So here I am in the last 30 days and "life" keeps getting in the way :)  There is gardening to be done, a lawn to be mowed, children to be looked after, house guests.....the list goes on and on as to what gets in the way of working out (or working out well).  Then you add in the food temptations (bbq's, date nights, margaritas, sangria, wine, beer....I am starting to sound like an alcoholic ;)), it is too much!  The good news is that I am still getting in at least 5 workouts and have not gained any weight.  The bad news is that I really want to push myself these last 30 days. 

I guess the moral of the story is that I am a mom, a stay at home mom.  I only have so much time in my day and I am blessed that I have a son who lets me get a workout in at least 5 days of the week.  And you know what, gardening and mowing the lawn are pretty good workouts as well :)  Life does get in the way but you know what, it is a pretty great life and so I am okay with that.  I love being home with my kids, my husband works so much that I want to make time for him when he is home and I am trying to take the rest in stride.  Yes I want to really do well these last 30 days but I have to remember that this is a journey that I want to take much farther than Power 90.  I want this to be a lifestyle change and in order to do that, you have to role with the punches. 

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