Thursday, May 19, 2011

My Turn to be Z's Coach :)

So my coach (and best friend) Lauren, knows how much Z LOVES Tony Horton so she let us borrow their Tony and the Kids video.  This made Z's day and we both had so much fun doing this workout together.  We both giggled through the entire thing and it was nice for me to be his coach for a change.  I even had a little sweat going on at the end.  This house is crazy about Tony and it was nice to see him get even sillier and turn the exercises from his other videos into kid friendly moves. Z and I had a blast and we give it 4 thumbs up!!

Monday, May 16, 2011

Back on Track

Well I had my first session after my 3 day "break" with Tony and Z today and it felt great!  It was nice be back in routine and felt good to do the Power Yoga part of the workout.  It is funny though that during the workout and for the rest of the day my body was crying out for Pilates :)  I guess my two workouts over the weekend really got me hooked.  I have a bad back and so a strong core is essential.  I use to do Pilates 2-3 times a week for a few years.  I guess while doing them this past weekend, my body got excited with the familiar moves and is now crying out for more strength building in that area :)  I have decided to work it in 2-3 times a week which will mean double workouts.  The great thing about Pilates is that it is relaxing and I can easily do it before bed and still be able to fall asleep okay.  I hope that it will help to shrink the "pregnant" belly that I have left after Lil' C was born and who knows maybe my sweet husband will also join in when he is home (did I tell you that this weekend when I was dressed in workout clothes, he looked over said I looked good out of the blue?!?!?!)  It will be good for him to strengthen his core too.  Just typing this post is making me want to go and do some Pilates, I think I will :)

Sunday, May 15, 2011

A Weekend of Recovery??

Not sure that you can call the workouts or work that I did this weekend recovery but I did take a 3 day vacation from Tony :)  As you know I moved mulch on Friday and then finished up the night with a wonderful pilates workout.  Saturday I moved more mulch (another yard and a half by myself) and did another pilates workout.  Today I volunteered at the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer in Boston where I hauled boxes, moved barricades and set up booths.   I am now exhausted and do not feel one stitch of guilt for my 3 days off.  I worked hard, accomplished a great deal and feel really good about myself!

Friday, May 13, 2011

Changing Up the Workout

Today I was all set to start my workout (Z was at a friends and C was sleeping) when I looked out at the 3 yards of mulch that needed to be spread.  I thought about the rainy weekend forecast, looked at the beautiful sunny day and told Tony that I had to get my cardio in moving mulch.  So I spent 60 minutes working hard, lifting, moving, running and sweating.  In the end I moved about a yard of the mulch and felt not only accomplished that I got my heart going but also that I helped to work on a much needed home task.  As a mom we have to do what we have to do and get the workout in anyway we can :)  I think that Tony and Coach Lauren would understand my reasons and like the fact that I do plan to do a pilates workout to stretch out my back from all that shoveling today :) 

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Working out on the Go :)

Power 90 is a wonderful workout for people who travel!  All I needed this weekend away was my dvd, my resistance band and my yoga mat (and that was really not needed, a towel would have been fine).  I was so excited to have to bring so little but still get my workout in over the three day weekend.  It really makes sticking with the program that much easier. 

I was working out with my trainer Z on Friday, while my sisters both watched.  My sister Laura was very intrigued with the idea that Z was so into it and is now considering joining Coach Lauren's Team to do P90X.  She is hopeful that her daughter will also get on board and be content while she works out.  I know she has been searching for a way to get in shape for awhile now and watching Z and I might have just been the motivation she needed :)

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Working out In Pee Wee's Playhouse

Well today workout time was devoted to the garden and front landscape.  This was okay because today is a sculpting day and that can easily be done at night after the kids are in bed.  After looking at my to-do list though, I started to panic and decided to try the workout with both kids underfoot :)  I gave each a resistant band, brought in a pile of books and prayed for the best.

It went great!  There were a few scary moments where my daughter (18 months) almost got hit by a dumbbell but over all it was fine.  Z came up with 101 things to do with a resistant band and even Lil C was getting into the workout :)  Here are some pictures of the event.  I have to say that Z has been a great motivator.  Every day he asks me when we are working out, what the workout of the day is and then he slaps me 5 when I complete the task.  He is AWESOME and has even gotten me to workout on days when I had no motivation myself.  Workout time might not be the "ME" time that I crave but it has turned out to be a bonding time for Z and I :)

Monday, May 2, 2011

Day 2 :)

Well I just finished day 2 of my 90 day journey and I feel great :)  I am eating better, my coach "Z" is correcting my form (he is my own little Tony) and the workouts are a lot easier than they were when I started them a month ago (I have been working out with Power 90 for the last 30 days about 4 days a week).  Power 90 really is the perfect workout for a SAHM with two little ones.  I am able to workout with my 4 year old while the baby sleeps and then he jumps on the computer for 30 minutes while I shower.  Usually we still have lots of time to play before the baby gets up!  I sometimes do the strength workouts after they are in bed as they are more laid back and don't get me all "wired" before bed.  The strength workout is only 28 minutes and the cardio is 35 with an additional 5 minute ab routine.  It is the perfect, no non-sense workout that builds as you get stronger (you can increase weight, effort etc.)  The workout is also set up in two phases....phase 1/2 is a bit easier and phase 3/4 (I will start this on day 40) is tougher.  It is also a great workout to do on the go because all you need to take with you is the DVD and a resistant band!  I highly recommend this program to any mom who is struggling to get a workout in.  It is also great for men because there are no complicated aerobic is all straightforward and easy to understand.  I LOVE IT!!!